Sql-server – In SQL Server, is there a way to determine the values of the parameters passed to an executing stored procedure

dmvsql serversql-server-2005stored-procedurest-sql

One way to determine the executing stored procedure is to use "dynamic management" methods, like so:

    sqlText.Text, req.* 
    sys.dm_exec_requests req
    sys.dm_exec_sql_text(req.sql_handle) AS sqltext

However, this only displays the text of the stored procedure's create statement. e.g.:

CREATE PROCEDURE IMaProcedure @id int AS SELECT * FROM AllTheThings Where id = @id

Ideally I'd like to see what the parameters were for the running procedure that are causing it to run so long for the particular set of offending parameters.

Is there a way to do that? (In this question Aaron Bertrand mentions DBCC InputBuffer, but I don't think that's appropriate for this problem.)

Best Answer

This information -- run-time parameter values passed into a Stored Procedure (i.e. RPC call) or parameterized query -- is only available via a SQL Trace (and I assume the equivalent Extended Event in the newer versions of SQL Server). You can see this by running SQL Server Profiler (it comes with SQL Server) and selecting the various "Completed" events, such as: RPC:Completed, SP:Completed, and SQL:BatchCompleted. You also need to select the "TextData" field as the values will be in there.

The difference between my answer and @Kin's answer on this Question is that @Kin's answer (unless I am mistaken, in which case I will remove this) focuses on getting either:

  • your own query plan (in which case it can have the runtime parameter info in it, but not for other Sessions/SPIDs), or
  • plans from the DMVs (in which case they should only have the compiled parameter values, which are not runtime values).

My answer focuses on getting the parameter values for other sessions that are currently running. When relying on the DMVs, there is no way to know if the runtime parameter value is the same as the compiled parameter value. And the context of this question is tracking down the runtime value of queries being submitted via other Sessions/SPIDs (and in SQL Server 2005, whereas Extended Events were introduced in SQL Server 2008).