Sql-server – In Microsoft SQL Server’s linked server configuration, what does the “RPC” setting do

sql server

I'm not talking about "RPC Out". That setting works as I expect it to: when "false", I can't call stored procedures on my linked server. When it's "true", I can.

The specific option I am referring to is in the GUI (SQL Server Management Studio) on the Linked Server Properties window for any linked server (under "Server Options" on the left). Or, you may also set this option by calling sp_serveroption @optname='rpc'.

"RPC" can be set to either true or false. However, I can't find solid documentation on what this actually means in practice. I can't find any situation in my experimentation that behaves differently depending on whether "RPC" is set to true or false.

Can anyone give an example of what behaves differently depending on this setting?


Best Answer

One allows A=>B the other allows B=>A. In other words just because server A can call a proc on B doesn't mean B can call a proc on A.


RPC Enables RPC from the specified server.

RPC Out Enables RPC to the specified server.