Sql-server – Importing SQL Server database from a .sql file

importsql server

I'd like to import a database without knowing its name from a .sql file.

In MySql server it is easy because there is tools like heidSQL in which I can import easily my database from a sql file but in SQL Server I can't find the method to do it.

I tried to read the file in notepad but the encoding makes the content unreadable.


When i execute this query RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK = N'C:\Planning\bdd.sql' i have this

  1. How can I do it with SQL server?
  2. Can SQL Server Management Studio do this task or do I have to install a new tool?

Best Answer

Create an empty database or if you have one already target that one.

Open CMD with elevated privilege and run:

sqlcmd -S SERVERNAME -d MYDATABASE -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD -i C:\path\mysqlfile.sql -o C:\path\results.txt


  • -S: is your servername or localhost
  • -d: is the database you are targeting
  • -U: is the username
  • -P: is the password
  • -i: is the path to your .sql file
  • -o: is where the logs file will be saved so if you had problem during the importation you can debug them