SQL Server – How to Implement a PIVOT Query

pivotsql serversql-server-2005t-sql

How can I pivot the following SELECT statement:

         SELECT sc.CID,
                sc.CodeName     as OverviewText,
                scRAG.CodeName  as RAGStatusText 
           FROM StatusCode      sc
LEFT OUTER JOIN ProjectOverview po 
             ON sc.CID          = po.ProjectOverviewCID 
            AND po.ProjectId    = 180
LEFT OUTER JOIN StatusCode      scRAG 
             ON po.RAGStatusCID = scRAG.CID
          WHERE sc.SCID         = 18

Such statement yields the result set that follows:

CID OverviewText    RAGStatusText
--- ------------    -------------
153 Cost            Green
154 Requirements    Yellow
155 Schedule        NULL
156 Technical       NULL
157 Testing         NULL

But, I want it to return one single row with 10 values, as shown bellow:

 | Cost | Green | Requirements | Yellow | Schedule | NULL | Technical | NULL | Testing | NULL |

Can I pivot on CID?

Best Answer

I'm not sure if that is exactly what you want. But It gives your expected result. Note you can rename the columns as you please.


declare @t table(
    cid int,
    OverviewText varchar(15),
    RAGStatusText varchar(15)

insert into @t values (153, 'Cost',           'Green');
insert into @t values (154, 'Requirements',   'Yellow');
insert into @t values (155, 'Schedule',       'NULL');
insert into @t values (156, 'Technical',      'NULL');
insert into @t values (157, 'Testing',        'NULL');

    [153|1] as [xyz],

select CAST(cid as varchar) + '|1' type, OverviewText  text from @t
select CAST(cid as varchar) + '|2' type, RAGStatusText text from @t
) as SourceTable
    for type in ([153|1],[153|2], [154|1],[154|2], [155|1],[155|2], [156|1],[156|2], [157|1],[157|2])
) as PivotTable;