SQL Server – Sum Positive Items and Return Negative Items

sql serversql-server-2008t-sql

I am needing to find a way to SUM() all of the positive values for num and return the SUM() of all positive numbers and an individual row for each negative number. Below is a sample DDL:

Create Table #Be
    id int
    , salesid int
    , num decimal(16,4)

Insert Into #BE Values
    (1, 1, 12.32), (2, 1, -13.00), (3, 1, 14.00)
    , (4, 2, 12.12), (5, 2, 14.00), (6, 2, 21.23)
    , (7, 3, -12.32), (8,3, -43.23), (9, 3, -2.32)

And this is my desired output (positive numbers for each salesid SUM() and negatives get an individual line returned):

salesid    num
1          26.32
1          -13.00
2          47.35
3          -12.32
3          -43.23
3          -2.32

Best Answer

Try this:

SELECT   salesid, sum(num) as num
FROM     #BE
WHERE    num > 0
GROUP BY salesid
SELECT   salesid, num
FROM     #BE
WHERE    num < 0;

If you want both the sum values in one row then you must create a maxValue (and minValue) function and use this as sum(maxValue(0, num)) and sum(minValue(0, num)). This is described in: Is there a Max function in SQL Server that takes two values like Math.Max in .NET?