SQL Server – Why ‘If Not Exists’ Using OBJECT_ID() Doesn’t Work for Views and Triggers

sql servertriggerview

For tables I can implement "if not exists" and "if exists" as folows:

--if table exists - drop
If OBJECT_ID('A','U') is not null
Drop Table [A]
--if table not exists - Create
If OBJECT_ID('A','U') is null
Create Table A([key] varchar(20), [value] varchar(max))

but it is not quite working the same on views and triggers

I can do:

-- if exists - drop
If OBJECT_ID('VA','V') is not null
Drop view [VA]

but when I'm trying the oposite:

-- if not exists - create
If OBJECT_ID('VA','V') is null
Create view [VA] as Select * from [A] 

I'm Getting the following error:

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'view'

And the same is with triggers. when I do:

-- if not exists - create
If OBJECT_ID('Trigger_A_ins','TR') is null
Create trigger [Trigger_A_ins] On [A] instead of insert As 
   insert into A select * from inserted

I'm getting error:

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'trigger'


-- if exists - drop
If OBJECT_ID('Trigger_A_ins','TR') is not null
Drop Trigger Trigger_A_ins

is working.

Did I missed anything?

Can anyone explain this difference between tables to triggers and views?

Note: I'm using sql server 2012

Best Answer

Referencing the documentation from CREATE VIEW under REMARKS:

The CREATE VIEW must be the first statement in a query batch.

Referencing the documentation from CREATE TRIGGER

CREATE TRIGGER must be the first statement in the batch and can apply to only one table.

For VIEWS and TRIGGERS, I think you'll have to check for the existence of the object and drop in one batch and create them in another batch separated by a GO


IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE [name] = '[dbo].[trg]' AND [type] = 'TR')
      DROP TRIGGER [dbo].[trg] ON [dbo].[tbl]
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trg] ON [dbo].[tbl] 