Sql-server – Ideal values for wait time in SQL server

performancesql serversql-server-2008-r2wait-types

This is related to my own post here

The SQL server starts everyday at 8:30 AM and stops around 9:30 PM.( So wait times will reset everyday)
SQL server will be used by around 60 users simultaneously(used directly to modify data and also back-end database for application which we use in our office)
The server has 8 GB ram. Every hour log backup will be done for most of the databases.(Backup done by our own backup tool which automates SQL backup)

As described in this article I used below query.

select *
from sys.dm_os_wait_stats
WHERE [wait_type] NOT IN (
order by wait_time_ms desc; 

And the result was as shown below(Only top 25 rows are shown)

enter image description here

Now after getting this result i am confused whether these values are really high or it is normal scenario.( I have also taken performance counter values related to SQL,but not able to troubleshoot using that, as most articles only describe which performance counters to be used,not about analysing it properly or it is hard part for me to find performance of my server)So what is the ideal value for these? Whether I have performance problem in my sql server? How to decide it?

Best Answer

What you should think about is not the just absolute values of wait_time_ms or waiting_tasks_count you should also look at the average wait times. When you look at an average wait, you should ask yourself: "Is this a reasonable amount of time to wait on this resource?"

For example (if I am doing the math right) your PAGEIOLATCH wait is in the range of 4-5ms. This is "good" - because that is the response time of a hard drive to fetch an I/O request. However, if you are running on SSD (where this value is expected to linger in the 1ms range), it is "bad".

As another example, your WRITELOG wait is over 10ms. This is "bad" because if you do sequential I/O right, this value (even on spinning rust) should really be in the 1ms range.

However, all of this has to be seen in the context of what you are trying to achieve. If you are looking to "generally make things faster" (not an uncommon request) you need to look at the biggest waits (by wait_time_ms) first as they are most likely to hurt you. If your tuning is more targeted, look at specific wait types, even if they are lower on the list.

For example, you have a few LCK_M_S waits that average 70ms. They don't look important because there are so few of them. But maybe they affect some important users. If this is an OLTP system where queries should get in and out fast - 70ms is a "bad" number (because locks in short running transactions should be held only a few milli- or even microseconds).

Another example: If you are trying to make DML queries faster, you will want to target the WRITELOG and PAGEIOLATCH_EX waits. If you are optimising for reads, you would focus more on either reducing the PAGEIOLATCH_SH wait (for example with SSD or RAM) or making the database do less read I/O (for example by optimising indexing).