Sql-server – How to use same stored procedure for different tables and avoid using dynamic sql

dynamic-sqlsql serverstored-procedures

I have quite a few tables which contain some common columns (same name and datatype). On these columns I need to perform the same operations and I would like to do that via a stored procedure. However the only way I can make it work at the moment is using dynamic sql, which I'd rather avoid.

Is there any way to use a stored procedure for different tables (where the table name is handed over as parameter) without using dynamic sql?

Best Answer

The other thing you could do is create a view that unions the like tables together, and include a defined column with the table name, then just do a select against that view with the tablename in the where clause.

CREATE VIEW tablesviews AS
SELECT columns, 'TABLE1' as tablename
FROM Table1
SELECT columns, 'TABLE2' as tablename
FROM Table2

SELECT {some columns}
FROM  tableviews
WHERE Tablename=@table and [other where clauses]