Sql-server – How to upload the .mdf file and associated .ldf file from visual studio to a host using WebsitePanel

sql serversql-server-2008

I have created an ASP.NET MVC 3 project in Visual Studio and the database is a SQL Server Express database BeerRecommenderContext.mdf with a log file BeerRecommenderContext.ldf. I can upload these to the standard App_Data directory but the connection string doesn't seem to work. I think it's because my host doesn't recognize the files as SQL Server files. My host, dotnet-host.com is using WebsitePanel. My current connection string is


(of course the password is actually filled in properly)


Best Answer

You can check with them, but it's highly unlikely this method of connection is supported by the host.

The preferred way of getting your database set up is to restore a backup (you can do this through WebsitePanel), and follow their instructions for connecting. A host will normally have example connection strings that you can copy/paste into your configuration file.