Sql-server – How to Return XML Node Ordinal, or delete node based on element value


I have an XML document similar to this:


I am replacing an entire <Record> node based on some criteria. The <Record> nodes contain a <Guid> that I can use to identify them (pretend those are valid GUIDs please!).

Knowing the GUID, I am returning that node's XML into a variable for further processing. Downstream, I need to be able to delete that particular node so I that I can insert the modified version of the node back into the original document.

Is there a way to determine the ordinal, or another way to use a delete/replace method to remove a node based on an element's value?

Best Answer

If you have the value in a variable you can use sql:variable() in the predicate for the delete.

declare @XML xml = '

declare @Guid varchar(30) = 'aslkjflaksjflkasjfkljsd'

set @XML.modify('delete /Root/Sub/Record[Guid = sql:variable("@Guid")]')

Replacing a record with a new record would look something like this.

declare @XML xml = '
      <Value>some value</Value>

declare @Guid varchar(30) = 'aslkjflaksjflkasjfkljsd'
declare @NewRecord xml = '
  <Value>some new value</Value>

set @XML.modify('insert sql:variable("@NewRecord") after (/Root/Sub/Record[Guid = sql:variable("@Guid")])[1]')
set @XML.modify('delete (/Root/Sub/Record[Guid = sql:variable("@Guid")])[1]')

First add the new record after the existing one and the delete the first occurrence where Guid is a match. Without [1] in the delete you will delete all occurrences, not only the first one.