Sql-server – How To Restore A Replicated Database

identityreplicationsql serversql-server-2008

I am replicating our live database using transaction replication. This is basically to have a backup copy of our database in the case of server failure.

The replicated database is read only, so I backed it up, restored it, and tested it.

I noticed straight away that the identity columns didn't work.

For instance, the original schema was like this:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Inspection](
[InspectionID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[CarID] [int] NOT NULL,

Then, on the replicated copy, it looks like this:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Inspection](
[CarID] [int] NOT NULL,

That means the identity columns are disabled, right?

Is there a way to get around this and make this database an independent copy in its own right?

Also, I noticed that the foreign keys are not propgated. I am aware that there are settings for this, but will propogating the foreign keys be a problem now that the identity columns are disabled (which are the primary keys)?

Best Answer

If you want a standby copy of your data for HA/DR then is much better to use log shipping or database mirroring. Since these technologies create a physical database copy, you avoid exactly the problem(s) you mention. Also, schema changes 'replicate' much easier.

If you insist on transactional replication, seed your replicas with a backup instead of a snapshot. See How to: Initialize a Transactional Subscription from a Backup for a step-by-step guide.