Sql-server – How to recursively find gaps where 90 days passed, between rows

recursivesql serversql server 2014

This is a kind of trivial task in my C# homeworld, but I don't yet make it in SQL and would prefer to solve it set-based (without cursors). A resultset should come from a query like this.

SELECT SomeId, MyDate, 
    dbo.udfLastHitRecursive(param1, param2, MyDate) as 'Qualifying'

How should it work

I send those three params into a UDF.
The UDF internally use params to fetch related <= 90 days older rows, from a view.
The UDF traverse 'MyDate' and return 1 if it should be included in a total calculation.
If it should not, then it return 0.
Named here as "qualifying".

What the udf will do

List the rows in date order.
Calculate the days between rows.
First row in resultset defaults to Hit = 1.
If the difference is up to 90,
– then pass to next row until the sum of gaps is 90 days (90th day must pass)
When reached, set Hit to 1 and reset gap to 0.
It would also work to instead omit the row from result.

                                          |(column by udf, which not work yet)
Date              Calc_date     MaxDiff   | Qualifying
2014-01-01 11:00  2014-01-01    0         | 1
2014-01-03 10:00  2014-01-01    2         | 0
2014-01-04 09:30  2014-01-03    1         | 0
2014-04-01 10:00  2014-01-04    87        | 0
2014-05-01 11:00  2014-04-01    30        | 1

In the table above, MaxDiff column is the gap from date in previous line. The problem with my attempts so far is that I can't ignore second last row in the sample above.

As per comment I add a tag and also paste the udf I have compiled just now. Though, is just a placeholder and won't give useful result.

;WITH cte (someid, otherkey, mydate, cost) AS
    SELECT someid, otherkey, mydate, cost
    FROM dbo.vGetVisits
    WHERE someid = @someid AND VisitCode = 3 AND otherkey = @otherkey 
    AND CONVERT(Date,mydate) = @VisitDate


    SELECT top 1 e.someid, e.otherkey, e.mydate, e.cost
    FROM dbo.vGetVisits AS E
    WHERE CONVERT(date, e.mydate) 
        BETWEEN DateAdd(dd,-90,CONVERT(Date,@VisitDate)) AND CONVERT(Date,@VisitDate)
        AND e.someid = @someid AND e.VisitCode = 3 AND e.otherkey = @otherkey 
        AND CONVERT(Date,e.mydate) = @VisitDate
        order by e.mydate

I have another query which I define separately which is more close to what I need, but blocked with the fact I can't calculate on windowed columns. I also tried one similiar which give more or less same output just with a LAG() over MyDate, surrounded with a datediff.

    t.Mydate, t.VisitCode, t.Cost, t.SomeId, t.otherkey, t.MaxDiff, t.DateDiff
    SELECT *,
        MaxDiff = LAST_VALUE(Diff.Diff)  OVER (
            ORDER BY Diff.Mydate ASC
        SELECT *,
            Diff =  ISNULL(DATEDIFF(DAY, LAST_VALUE(r.Mydate) OVER (
                        ORDER BY r.Mydate ASC
                            ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING), 
            DateDiff =  ISNULL(LAST_VALUE(r.Mydate) OVER (
                        ORDER BY r.Mydate ASC
                            ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING), 
        FROM dbo.vGetVisits AS r
        WHERE r.VisitCode = 3 AND r.SomeId = @SomeID AND r.otherkey = @otherkey
    ) AS Diff
) AS t
WHERE t.VisitCode = 3 AND t.SomeId = @SomeId AND t.otherkey = @otherkey
    AND t.Diff <= 90
    t.Mydate ASC;

Best Answer

As I read the question, the basic recursive algorithm required is:

  1. Return the row with the earliest date in the set
  2. Set that date as "current"
  3. Find the row with the earliest date more than 90 days after the current date
  4. Repeat from step 2 until no more rows are found

This is relatively easy to implement with a recursive common table expression.

For example, using the following sample data (based on the question):

DECLARE @T AS table (TheDate datetime PRIMARY KEY);

INSERT @T (TheDate)
    ('2014-01-01 11:00'),
    ('2014-01-03 10:00'),
    ('2014-01-04 09:30'),
    ('2014-04-01 10:00'),
    ('2014-05-01 11:00'),
    ('2014-07-01 09:00'),
    ('2014-07-31 08:00');

The recursive code is:

    -- Anchor:
    -- Start with the earliest date in the table
    SELECT TOP (1)
    FROM @T AS T


    -- Recursive part   
        -- Recursively find the earliest date that is 
        -- more than 90 days after the "current" date
        -- and set the new date as "current".
        -- ROW_NUMBER + rn = 1 is a trick to get
        -- TOP in the recursive part of the CTE
            rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
                ORDER BY T.TheDate)
        FROM CTE
        JOIN @T AS T
            ON T.TheDate > DATEADD(DAY, 90, CTE.TheDate)
    ) AS SQ1
        SQ1.rn = 1

The results are:

║         TheDate         ║
║ 2014-01-01 11:00:00.000 ║
║ 2014-05-01 11:00:00.000 ║
║ 2014-07-31 08:00:00.000 ║

With an index having TheDate as a leading key, the execution plan is very efficient:

Execution plan

You could choose to wrap this in a function and execute it directly against the view mentioned in the question, but my instincts are against it. Usually, performance is better when you select rows from a view into a temporary table, provide the appropriate index on the temporary table, then apply the logic above. The details depend on the details of the view, but this is my general experience.

For completeness (and prompted by ypercube's answer) I should mention that my other go-to solution for this type of problem (until T-SQL gets proper ordered set functions) is a SQLCLR cursor (see my answer here for an example of the technique). This performs much better than a T-SQL cursor, and is convenient for those with skills in .NET languages and the ability to run SQLCLR in their production environment. It may not offer much in this scenario over the recursive solution because the majority of the cost is the sort, but it is worth mentioning.