SQL Server – Prevent Windows Server Reboots from Updates

patchingsql serversql-server-2016windowswindows-server

Some SQL Server updates have happened outside the maintenance window, which have caused the server to be rebooted. How can I stop this from happening again in future?

Below is what I can see when looking at the Windows Update Settings:

enter image description here

Best Answer

To prevent SQL Server updates to be installed automatically, you need to:

  1. open up PowerShell window (Command prompt will also work)
  2. type "sconfig.cmd" and run it
  3. press 5 to select "Windows Update Settings"
  4. set it to "M" which is "Manual"

Important: choose "Manual", NOT "DownloadOnly", because even with "DownloadOnly" setting, some Windows Updates that Microsoft considers very important, may be still installed and machine will be rebooted (I've experienced it myself)

This way you have total control over when and how to install Windows and SQL Server updates

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