Sql-server – How to perform the dreaded double hop with linked servers

ms accesssql-server-2008

The situation:

I have successfully created a linked server connection from SERVER1 to SERVER3's ACCESSDB.

I want to be able to access the linked server on SERVER1 from SERVER2 (aka the double hop).

When I log into SERVER2 I get the good ol – "dont have permissions" issue when I test the connection. I checked SERVER3 logs and it says the incoming connection is ANONYMOUS. I need to be able to pass some (any) credentials to SERVER3 from SERVER2.

NO, I cannot use a SQL account. I have to use Windows Auth.

Yes, I need to use KERBEROS and set up SPNs. That's where my question comes in. How do I properly set up KERBEROS and delegation?

I want to be able to run

select auth_scheme from sys.dm_exec_connections where session_id=@@SPID

from SERVER2 and have it return 'KERBEROS' and not 'NTLM'.

What specific commands do I need to run to properly set up KERBEROS/SPNs? How do I create this "chain"?

FYI – Both instances are NAMED instances on SQL2008 R2 Standard (x64).

Best Answer

Security Account Delegation

And for SQL Server 2000 but still valid too


  • Configure the server in AD
  • Set up the SPN
  • Use sp_addlinkedsrvlogin so useself = true