Sql-server – How to open queries into a selected database in SQL Server Management Studio 2005


My situation:

Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2005, I connect to a server — I’ll call it Prod — using Windows Authentication.

Within this Prod server there are multiple databases: dbA, dbB and dbC.

On a previous computer, if I had the ‘Tables’ folder for a particular database (e.g. dbB) selected and opened an existing query (.sql file) from a local or network directory, the existing query would open “connected” to the selected database (dbB). On my replacement computer, existing queries always open connected to 'master' on the SQL Editor toolbar instead of the expected dbB database.

A minor inconvenience, yes, but if there is a simple setting I can modify or update to restore this preferred behavior (queries open into previously selected database), I'd appreciate learning how to do it.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Best Answer

Right-click, "Change Connection", "Options", and you can enter or browse a database.

Yep, it's a pain until you "train" SSMS...