Sql-server – How to monitor Database usage

sql serversql-server-2012

I've run into an issue with one of my tableau users. His queries have taken down the DB a few times yesterday.
My solution is twofold.

  • First, I'd like to limit his rights. Is there a way for me to limit the maximum length of his queries before they timeout?
  • Second, I'd like to setup an alert for the database. I know how to setup an alert, however I'm not sure what thresholds to use.

Is there some way for me to see recent usage in order to estimate where I should set the threshold?


Best Answer

This sounds like a job for SP_BLITZ,SP_WHOISACTIVE etc. By Brent Ozar & Team.


Edit, I'm not advertising for them (it's a free resource anyway). This is exactly what I've used for this exact scenario. 3rd party apps and their rogue developers killing the DB.

You might also want to limit them to using views/procedures that you write/have control of in order to get their data.

Edit2: And I just realized this is an old question that got bumped somehow.
My answer stands.