Sql-server – How to make SQL Server Agent job history less verbose

debugginglogsmaintenancesql server

So, I've created a SQL Server Agent job, according to the answer to my prev question:



enter image description here

running nightly (at 2:11) according to the schedule:

Nightly Schedule

There are 9 .bak files in 3 subdirectory of d:\backup\ source folder, 3 old bakup files are being deleted and 3 new is being created by another preceding SQL Server Agent job.

The described here job copy-purges files but… what the heck the history of this Copy&Purge BAKs SQL ServerAgent job shows 96 items:

enter image description here

How to make it less verbose?

Eventvwr.msc doesn't contain any eroors for the corresponding period of time (of job run).


So, I've made these changes

enter image description here

and it seems it simply truncates a per-job log:

enter image description here

Best Answer

not sure if you just wanted to reduce the number of rows shows up there or actually want SQL server Agent not to log that much of data. but if it is to limit the number of rows to log per job and/or total in job history then you can set those from SSMS as shown below.

enter image description here