SQL Server – How to Load Data from SQL Server Audit File to a Table

auditsql serversql-server-2008-r2

I have enabled Auditing in SQL Server 2008 R2 to monitor DML and DDL operations.

Is there any way to load SQLAudit files to the database? Or any other method to automatically load audit details directly to a database?

Best Answer

The following process has worked well for us.

We write our audit files to a file share. I have a Sql Server instance dedicated to processing these audit files. On this SQLAudit instance, I have a job that runs every minute and executes a stored procedure.

The stored procedure:

  • Uses Powershell to move any audit files (that are not currently being written to) to a staging fileshare. The powershell command uses the -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue parameter which allows the command to 'skip' over files that are currently being written to when copying to the staging fileshare. Eventually, the 'locked' files will become available to be copied on a future interval.
  • Now that I have available SQLAudit files to read from the staging fileshare, we're able to use sys.fn_get_audit_file to process all SQLAudit files from the staging fileshare by using wildcards.
  • After consuming the files from the staging fileshare, I use Powershell to delete the files from the staging fileshare.

Here's the stored procedure.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SqlAuditCaptureAuditLogs]

    EXEC xp_cmdshell 'powershell.exe "Move-Item \\FBPISILON01.sfbcic.com\SQLAuditLogs-SC\*.sqlaudit \\FBPISILON01.sfbcic.com\SQLAuditLogs-SC\SQLAuditLogs_Staging -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue"'

    SELECT event_time
    FROM sys.fn_get_audit_file('\\FBPISILON01.sfbcic.com\SQLAuditLogs-SC\SQLAuditLogs_Staging\*.*', DEFAULT, DEFAULT)
    WHERE server_principal_name NOT IN (

    EXEC xp_cmdshell 'powershell.exe "Remove-Item \\FBPISILON01.sfbcic.com\SQLAuditLogs-SC\SQLAuditLogs_Staging\*.* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue"'