SQL Server – How to Join a Table with a Table-Valued Function

functionsjoin;sql serversql-server-2012syntax

I have a user defined function:

create function ut_FooFunc(@fooID bigint, @anotherParam tinyint)
returns @tbl Table (Field1 int, Field2 varchar(100))
  -- blah blah

Now I want to join this on another table, like so:

select f.ID, f.Desc, u.Field1, u.Field2
from Foo f 
join ut_FooFunc(f.ID, 1) u -- doesn't work
where f.SomeCriterion = 1

In other words, for all Foo records where SomeCriterion is 1, I want to see the Foo ID and Desc, alongside the values of Field1 and Field2 that are returned from ut_FooFunc for an input of Foo.ID.

What's the syntax to do this?

Best Answer

You need CROSS APPLY not join.

The definition of table expressions involved in joins must be stable. I.e. They can't be correlated such that the table expression means something different dependant on the value of a row in another table.

select f.ID, f.Desc, u.Field1, u.Field2
from Foo f 
Cross apply ut_FooFunc(f.ID, 1) u
where f.SomeCriterion = ...