Sql-server – How to hide rows in SSRS report

sql serverssrsssrs-2008

I'm trying to figure out, how I can hide those rows in my report where Total Allocation and Total Cost IN BOTH COLUMNS TOGETHER are 0 in SSRS 2008.

For example:

Total Allocation    Total Actual Cost
0                     0                <---- hide
100,00                0                <---- don't hide 
0                     50,0000          <---- don't hide

Here is the screenshot:
enter image description here

Thank you

Best Answer

Unless I'm missing some nuance, you will simply set the Row Visibility based on the value.

Right click on the detail line and select Row Visiblity...

Row Visibility...

In the window that pops up, select Show or hide based on an expression

Row Visibility display options

Within that expression, you'll use logic like

=Fields!Total_Allocation.Value = 0 And Fields!Total_Actual_Cost.Value = 0