SQL Server – Retrieve Last Not-Null Value in Ordered Column

nullrunning-totalssql servert-sqlwindow functions

I have the following input:

 id | value 
  1 |   136
  2 |  NULL
  3 |   650
  4 |  NULL
  5 |  NULL
  6 |  NULL
  7 |   954
  8 |  NULL
  9 |   104
 10 |  NULL

I expect the following result:

 id | value 
  1 |   136
  2 |   136
  3 |   650
  4 |   650
  5 |   650
  6 |   650
  7 |   954
  8 |   954
  9 |   104
 10 |   104

The trivial solution would be join the tables with a < relation, and then selecting the MAX value in a GROUP BY:

WITH tmp AS (
  SELECT t2.id, MAX(t1.id) AS lastKnownId
  FROM t t1, t t2
    t1.value IS NOT NULL
    t2.id >= t1.id
  GROUP BY t2.id
  tmp.id, t.value
FROM t, tmp
WHERE t.id = tmp.lastKnownId;

However, the trivial execution of this code would create internally the square of the count of the rows of the input table ( O(n^2) ). I expected t-sql to optimize it out – on a block/record level, the task to do is very easy and linear, essentially a for loop ( O(n) ).

However, on my experiments, the latest MS SQL 2016 can't optimize this query correctly, making this query impossible to execute for a large input table.

Furthermore, the query has to run quickly, making a similarly easy (but very different) cursor-based solution infeasible.

Using some memory-backed temporary table could be a good compromise, but I am not sure if it can be run significantly quicker, considered that my example query using subqueries didn't work.

I am also thinking on to dig out some windowing function from the t-sql docs, what could be tricked to do what I want. For example, cumulative sum is doing some very similar, but I couldn't trick it to give the latest non-null element, and not the sum of the elements before.

The ideal solution would be a quick query without procedural code or temporary tables. Alternatively, also a solution with temporary tables is okay, but iterating the table procedurally is not.

Best Answer

A common solution to this type of problem is given by Itzik Ben-Gan in his article The Last non NULL Puzzle:


CREATE TABLE dbo.Example
    id integer PRIMARY KEY,
    val integer NULL

INSERT dbo.Example
    (id, val)
    (1, 136),
    (2, NULL),
    (3, 650),
    (4, NULL),
    (5, NULL),
    (6, NULL),
    (7, 954),
    (8, NULL),
    (9, 104),
    (10, NULL);

    lastval =
                MAX(CAST(E.id AS binary(4)) + CAST(E.val AS binary(4))) OVER (
                    ORDER BY E.id
                    ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING),
            5, 4)
        AS integer)
FROM dbo.Example AS E

Demo: db<>fiddle