Sql-server – How to find the VLF count for a SQL 2005 database without running dbcc loginfo


Is it possible to find the number of VLFs in a database's transaction log without running DBCC LOGINFO? DBCC LOGINFO seems a little heavy and verbose when count is the only information my t-sql script needs from it.

Best Answer

I don't believe there is another way; you could always do something like this:

   CREATE TABLE #dbcc_out 
                      (FileID varchar(3), 
                       FileSize numeric(20,0),
                       StartOffset bigint, 
                       FSeqNo bigint, 
                       Status char(1),
                       Parity varchar(4), 
                       CreateLSN numeric(25,0))

    INSERT INTO #dbcc_out                  EXEC ('DBCC LOGINFO')

    select count(*)  from #dbcc_out