SQL Server – How to Find if a Column is Referenced in a Computed Column?

dmvsql serversql-server-2016system-tablest-sql

I'm trying to mass retype columns. That means first dropping and recreating any constraints they are part of.

I found columns referenced by these constraints

  • Foreign Keys,
  • Primary Keys,
  • Indexes,
  • Check constraints,
  • Rules,
  • Default constraints.

But I cannot find Computed columns.

I've looked into INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE, but it doesn't include Computed Columns.

There is also sys.computed_columns which shows definition, but doesn't list columns in searchable manner.

Is there anywhere else I can look? If SQL Server can figure out the dependence, I thought I would be able to as well.

Best Answer

Thanks to Scott Hodgin I found it in sys.sql_expression_dependencies

    OBJECT_NAME(sed.referencing_id)     AS referencingTable
    , pc.[name] AS computedColumn
    , pc.is_computed
    , cc.[name] AS referencedcolumn
    , cc.is_computed
FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies sed
JOIN sys.[columns] pc ON sed.referencing_minor_id = pc.column_id AND sed.referencing_id = pc.[object_id]
JOIN sys.[columns] cc ON sed.referenced_minor_id = cc.column_id AND sed.referenced_id = cc.[object_id]
WHERE sed.referencing_minor_id > 0      -- referencing object is Column
AND sed.referenced_minor_id > 0         -- referenced object is Column
AND sed.referencing_id = sed.referenced_id  -- references the same table