Sql-server – How to find all tables in a DB that have no explicit primary key

primary-keysql serversql-server-2012

A Google search spewed forth millions of hits on how to find tables without clustered indexed, the PK normally being the clustered index of a table. However, a table could easily have a natural key as a clustered index, and a non-clustered surrogate index, like an identity column.

How do I find all tables in a DB without a primary key defined? I have 245 tables in this DB: manual inspection is grossly inefficient.

Best Answer

Couple ways to skin this cat but this works fine in SQL Server 2005 and up, and I find it a pain free way to handle the problem -

The OBJECTPROPERTY() function can list various properties about objects - like tables. One of those properties is whether or not a table has a primary key.

OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id, tablehasprimarykey) = 0 would be a table without a primary key.


SELECT OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME( object_id ) as SchemaName, name AS TableName
FROM sys.tables
WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id,'tablehasprimaryKey') = 0 
ORDER BY SchemaName, TableName ;

Should give you what you need. You can see all about the other ways to use the OBJECTPROPERTY() function in books online. This is the 2012 version of the article.