Sql-server – How to disable SSMS table designer timeout


How do I disable the Table Designer timeout in SQL Server Management Studio?


This KB Article seems to indicate that if you stop overriding the Designer timeout:

To resolve this behavior, use one of the following methods:

  • Click to clear the Override connection string time-out value for table designer updates check box for the table designer and for the database designer in SQL Server Management Studio.

enter image description here

it is supposed to revert to the Execution timeout:

enter image description here

But rather than timing out never it times out after 30 seconds:

enter image description here

I've also tried setting the table designer to the maximum value of 65,535. Unfortunately that just causes the timeout to happen after 18 hours, rather than 30 seconds.

How do I disable the table designer timeout in SQL Server Management Studio?

SQL Server Management Studio: 9.00.1399.00

Pre-emptive snarky comment: what kind of table change are you making that needs more than 18 hours to complete? I'm changing a column in a 130 GB table from text to nvarchar(max).

Best Answer

"...i'm changing a column in a 130 GB table from text to nvarchar(max)..."

Hi If you change a column and you expect that it can take considerable amount of time - I would recommend writing a Query.

Depending on you situation it could be as simple as "ALTER COLUMN" or as complex as "Creating temp table, coping all data, dropping table, creating table with new structure, copying data from temp table".

In any situation, having a script will allow you to run it without any timeout probably in you maintenance window (if you have one).
