SQL Server Version – How to Determine if Running Express Version

sql server

is there a way to check whether the SQL Server I am connected is Express version?

How can I find how much space is left until the 10GB limit of the SQL Server Express?

Thank you!

Best Answer

You can execute SELECT @@VERSION. Result will describe SQL Server version and edition. Or SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('Edition') will result SQL Server edition.

SQL Server Express Edition supports maximum database size 10GB per database. So you can monitor database size using following query.

SELECT      sys.databases.name,  
            CONVERT(VARCHAR,SUM(size)*8/1024)+' MB' AS [Total disk space]  
FROM        sys.databases   
JOIN        sys.master_files  
ON          sys.databases.database_id=sys.master_files.database_id  
GROUP BY    sys.databases.name  
ORDER BY    (SUM(size)*8/1024) DESC
