Sql-server – How to delete records with FK constraint using Delete Trigger

sql servertrigger

I'm learning MS SQL Server and trying to implement a trigger to delete records in the child table if the record in the parent table is deleted. I'm using AdventureWorksDW database provided my Microsoft.

I have two tables DimProductSubcategory and DimProduct. So if I delete a product category in DimProductSubcategory, all related records in DimProduct should also be deleted.

So I have created a trigger:

CREATE trigger on_delete_trigger
    on DimProductSubcategory
    after delete
        DELETE FROM DimProduct WHERE (DimProduct.ProductSubcategoryKey IN (SELECT DimProduct.ProductSubcategoryKey FROM DimProductSubcategory))

But when I try to delete a record in DimProductSubcategory I get:

The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_DimProduct_DimProductSubcategory". 
The conflict occurred in database "AdventureWorksDW2019", table "dbo.DimProduct", column 'ProductSubcategoryKey'.

I understand the meaning of the error message, but I do not understand the reason for it. I thought the trigger was supposed to delete all child records so that I can delete the parent record without violating data integrity.

Although I'm not 100% sure I got my DELETE statement right.

So how can I implement a trigger to delete child records when a parent record is deleted?

Best Answer

The problem you originally had was that you were not referencing the deleted pseudo-table. You were essentially saying "Oh, delete subcategory 5? Ok, delete all products that have a subcategory!"

I think you want this in your trigger:

  FROM dbo.DimProduct AS p
  INNER JOIN deleted AS d
  ON p.ProductSubcategoryKey = d.ProductSubcategoryKey;

I still don't believe you want to delete every product that belongs to a subcategory you are removing, but hopefully this is just an exercise and not real business logic you want to implement.