Sql-server – How to create via sql and detect via ERRORLOG SQL Server 2008 Deadlocks


I am designing a monitoring program using HP Sitescope SIS.

The goal is detect deadlocks.

In doing so, I created a deadlock on an existing but nearly unused SQL Server 2008.

I used the following link:

Now the query has been running for over 23 hours. Would you then say the SQL Server cannot detect the deadlock?

How can I create a deadlock it can detect and kill?

What is an example output in the ERRORLOG when the deadlock is resolved?

Best Answer

Here is a link I read awhile back about retrieving deadlock information via extended events.

My guess is that if your query is still running then you have blocking not a deadlock. Are you sure you went back to session 1 and ran the additional update statement?