SQL Server – Create Login and User for Single Schema Access

loginspermissionsschemasql serversql-server-2012

I have executed the following:

USE [MyDatabase];
CREATE USER [MyDomain\MyAccount] FOR LOGIN [MyDomain\MyAccount];
GRANT EXECUTE   ON SCHEMA::[MySchema] TO [MyDomain\MyAccount];
GRANT SELECT    ON SCHEMA::[MySchema] TO [MyDomain\MyAccount];
GRANT INSERT    ON SCHEMA::[MySchema] TO [MyDomain\MyAccount];

(I am not granting any roles as I do not want this login to be able to access any other schema in this database.)

I run SSMS as MyDomain\MyAccount (run as a different user). I then try to connect to this instance. However, I am getting:

Cannot open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user
'MyDomain\MyAccount'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 4064)

I get the same result if I set the default database to MyDatabase in the Connection Properties.

I ran a Profiler trace and see an error 18456 state 38:

Login failed for user 'MyDomain\MyAccount'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'MyDatabase'. [CLIENT: MyIpAddress]

That is followed by an error 18456 state 40:

Login failed for user 'MyDomain\MyAccount'. Reason: Failed to open the
database 'MyDatabase' specified in the login properties. [CLIENT:

MyDatabase is online and I have no trouble connecting to it with a different login. What additional permission do I need to grant to MyDomain\MyAccount? Is there something else that I am missing?

Best Answer

Off guess you are missing the connect permission. I'd always thought that was created with the user but there may be conditions where it isn't added.

Try running

USE [MyDatabase];
GRANT CONNECT TO [MyDomain\MyAccount];

You could also try changing the default schema of [MyDomain\MyAccount]


Lastly you can use my sp_dbpermissions and sp_srvpermissions to review the permissions for the user.

EXEC sp_srvpermissions 'MyDomain\MyAccount'; -- Return instance level permissions
EXEC sp_dbpermissions 'All','MyDomain\MyAccount'; -- Return DB level permissions for all databases