How to Create a Keywords Table from Column Values in SQL Server

sql serversql-server-2012

I have a table with 8 million+ rows in it. It stores jobs and their characteristics. There is a column in it that holds job titles. I am planning to create a keyword table based on the job titles from that column, so that later the keyword table can be used to implement an auto-complete field on the client side.

For example, if the job title is The Java programmer, then I want to store Java and programmer. I want to eliminate all special characters, get rid of some words like a and the and break the string on space. Can you please advise me on what my approach should be? From where should I start? Is this even the right way of creating a table to store keywords?

Best Answer

To query the Title column you may like to investigate Full Text Search.

To create the autocomplete list you could split the Title on space character and remove the small words, which you would keep in a separate pre-defined list, often called a "stop list."