Sql-server – How to create a dblink from Postgresql 8.3 to SQL Server (2000 and 2008)

database-linklinuxpostgresqlpostgresql-8.3sql server

I have a Postgresql database that need to read data from two SQL Servers (one SQL Server 2000 and one SQL Server 2008).

I want to setup two dblinks to the SQL Servers.

After googling, foruming, reading documentation, I struggle to find something production ready.

What tool can I use ?

Best Answer

First off, you should be aware that PostgreSQL 8.3 will soon be going EOL. You should probably use a more current version.

In fact, if you did use a more current version (9.1 or later), you could use Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW). Someone has even posted source code for a TDS FDW, which should work for older SQL Server.

If you're somehow stuck with PostgreSQL 8.3, user DBI-Link as Craig Suggests.