SQL Server Pivot – How to Convert Query Results into Groups of Common Results

cross-applypivotsql server

I have a query that returns results like this:

     MyValue        MyGroup
       56      |      I
       12      |      I
       56      |      II
       12      |      II
       56      |      III
       56      |      IV
       56      |      V
       12      |      V

I need to convert that into something like this:

      ColA           ColB             ColC            ColD           Count
       12      |      56              null            null             3
       56      |      null            null            null             2

I know I could setup an iterator and go over all the rows of my table and construct this result.

But I think there is another, "set based" way. Maybe a "Cross Apply" or "Pivot".

But it does not matter how many times I read the docs or look at examples for those, I can't seem to wrap my head around them enough to write my own.

Does anyone have a suggestion?

NOTE: In case it matters, assume that my query to get the first results looks like this:

select MyValue, MyGroup
from SomeTable

(It is actually a complex set of CTE's but I can just add another layer if need be.)

Best Answer

Seems a simpler approach:

SELECT GroupValue = Val, [Count] = COUNT(DISTINCT MyGroup) FROM 
  SELECT MyGroup, Val = STUFF((SELECT ', ' + RTRIM(MyValue) 
   FROM dbo.MyTable WHERE MyGroup = t.MyGroup FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '')
  FROM dbo.MyTable AS t
) AS x GROUP BY Val;