SQL Server – How to Control Server Order in SSMS Connection Dialog

sql serverssmstools

My current project involves a lot of database shuffling as we upgrade from SQL 2008 -> 2012, re-task hardware, repeat.

One minor annoyance is the connection dialog in SSMS re-shuffling the server order to put the most recent on top. Given that on any particular day I'm connecting to 6-10 DB servers and want to quickly find a specific one in the list, this behavior is much more of a hindrance than a help.

Is there a way to disable this behavior, having the servers listed alphabetically, or in the order they were added…or anything that doesn't change every time I connect to a server?

Barring that, is there an entirely different way to better manage connecting to a specific server from a list/farm of them?

I'm using SSMS for SQL 2012 (though I'm curious about 2008 solutions as well).

Best Answer

Use Registered Servers or set up a Central Management Server (CMS). I recommend the latter if you can take the (small) time to set up the infrastructure because it will allow everyone to see the same list of servers, instead of just you (Registered Servers are stored in the registry). The only "drawback" with a CMS is that you have to use Windows Authentication because passwords aren't persisted to disk.

Both these features allow you to maintain an ordered/grouped list of servers, and manage servers as groups. This is very powerful because Policy-Based Management is tightly integrated with the GUI.

This works with all server versions -- I run SSMS 2012 and manage 2005-2012 servers. A CMS server can be set up on an Express edition, so licencing isn't a concern; however, I do recommend taking system database backups so the server list is recoverable.