Sql-server – How to control reindexing that results in high log send queue

availability-groupsola-hallengrensql server

During reindexing using Ola's IndexOptimize stored procedure, the log send queues for remote asynchronous replicas can grow quite large if there are a lot of large index defrags, requiring gigantic transaction logs. There is an @Delay parameter in the script that can be used to insert a delay between each index operation, but it doesn't provide the ability to delay only when the log send queues are high.

A more intelligent throttling mechanism is required to control the log send queue sizes during heavy reindexing.

And yes, I know that reindexing isn't really necessary with our enterprise SSDs, but we do it to appease the third-party support organizations that will blame fragmentation for any performance issue.

Best Answer

Insert the following code into the IndexOptimize procedure to implement a wait that will allow the log send queues to flush before continuing. As written it will continue once there is less than 1 GB in the log send queues.

/* Pause until the log send queue is less than 1 GB */ 
WHILE ( (SELECT Sum(log_send_queue_size) 
         FROM   sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states 
         WHERE  is_local = 0) > 1000000 ) 
      WAITFOR delay '00:01:00' 

This code needs to be placed immediately after the IF @Delay > 0 block in the procedure. With the current version of IndexOptimize, it would look like this:

IF @Delay > 0
    SET @CurrentDelay = DATEADD(ss,@Delay,'1900-01-01')
    WAITFOR DELAY @CurrentDelay

/* Pause until the log send queue is less than 1 GB */ 
WHILE ( (SELECT Sum(log_send_queue_size) 
         FROM   sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states 
         WHERE  is_local = 0) > 1000000 ) 
      WAITFOR delay '00:01:00'