Sql-server – How to Backup Remote Database to FTP server


I can connect to a remote SQL Server via Management Studio. But, when I create backups, they get created on the server's disk.

How can I transfer them to an FTP server?

I only have a login to the MS SQL Server & the FTP site where I need to save the backup file.

Best Answer

You have two processes here that are discrete,

  1. Dumping the database.
  2. Moving the dump to an FTP server.

There are numerous ways to accomplish both of these. You'll have to ask a more specific question about either one.

FTP is an old antiquated transfer protocol that's highly insecure and you should never use it unless you absolutely must. Instead, consider using something like rsync over SSH. Microsoft has jumped on SSH with the latest version of Windows 10 providing an install option from the Windows Store, and it's likely the most secure method of doing what you're after: if you have control over both the server and the client, I would be using that method for transfer.