Sql-server – How to accomplish such insert-or-update strategy

insertsql serversql-server-2012stored-proceduresupdate

Programming stored procedures isn't my strongest point when it comes to programming, but I'm trying to get better.

I've stumbled upon a business requirement that's kind of hard for me and I was wondering if anyone had already dealt with it in their career.

There's this data in a staging table that needs to be loaded in a production table with insert for the new data and insert-update(backup like) for the old data.

The sample of data in production table looks like this:

AssetID BeginDate EndDate Field1 Field2 FieldN
1 (TS) (TS) 0.2351 1.3510 4.1234

Meanwhile in staging:

AssetID Field1 Field2 FieldN
1 0.2351 1.3510 4.1234

In prod the PK is AssetID and BeginDate meanwhile in staging is only AssetID (because the data is flushed every time).

The requirement is to write a stored procedure that when there are new assets in the staging area, they are inserted as new in prod(with BeginDate as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and EndDate as NULL), meanwhile if there are data(in staging) that are different on the Field1,Field2 or FieldN fields from the production one, then a new record is written with the same AssetID but BeginDate as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and EndDate as NULL, and the old record with the same combination (BeginDate memorized and EndDate is NULL) being updated with an EndDate as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

Any of you have dealt with a similar task/requirement? If yes, could you share your solution please?

Best Answer

You have to try to finalize any existent opened record for the given AssetID before insertion of the new record.

  DECLARE f1, f2, fN FLOAT; 

  SELECT Field1, Field2, FieldN
    FROM prod_table
   WHERE AssetID = _givenID
     AND EndDate = NULL
    INTO f1, f2, fN

  IF ( f1 <> _field1 OR 
       f2 <> _field2 OR 
       fN <> _fieldN )
      UPDATE prod_table    -- Here we suppose there is zero or one opened record
         SET EndDate = ts  -- If there is no records for _givenID, update do nothing
       WHERE AssetID = _givenID
         AND EndDate IS NULL  

      INSERT prod_table (AssetID, BeginDate, EndDate, Field1, Field2, FieldN)
      VALUES ( _givenID, ts, NULL, _field1, _field2, _fieldN )