Sql-server – Hierarchy of Employee “names” with CTE: Cannot create a correct version

ctesql serversql-server-2012

I am trying to create the correct structure of my sql (CTE) query, but I can not. This is a version I want to have correct version.

And this is my current version: what i have now. As you can see there are duplicates and i have no idea how to get rid of them. Futhermore the structure is wrong. I already tried to look for solutions like here but was unable to come up with solution.
CTE query doesn't print the right structure?

My Employee table looks like this http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/428d2/2

Here is my SQL query I use to create the correct name column: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/bf4c1/4

I use MsSQL 2012, so feel free to use newest fuctions etc. Any help appreciated.

Best Answer

If you specify the root node in the CTE, it works ok.

WITH Empl_Tab( Id ,
                 ParentId ,
) AS ( SELECT Employee.[EMPl Id] ,  Employee.[reports to the Boss] ,
                0 AS LEVEL ,
              CONVERT([varchar](MAX), Employee.[EMPl Id]) AS [Order]
           FROM Employee
where [reports to the Boss] = 1
        UNION ALL

        SELECT Employee.[EMPl Id] ,
                Employee.[reports to the Boss] ,
                Empl_Tab.LEVEL+1 AS LEVEL ,
             Empl_Tab.[Order] + CONVERT([varchar](30), Employee.[EMPl Id]) AS [Order]
                Employee INNER JOIN Empl_Tab
                ON Empl_Tab.Id = Employee.[reports to the Boss] 

SELECT REPLICATE( '.' ,Empl_Tab.Id*1 )+Employee.Name AS Name
       Employee INNER JOIN Empl_Tab
       ON Empl_Tab.Id = Employee.[EMPl Id]
  ORDER BY Empl_Tab.[Order]

SQL Fiddle here.