SQL Server – THREADPOOL Waits Despite Available Threads

sql serverwait-types

We are seeing application time outs and with help of the First Responder Kit, I have captured details. One of the things that caught my attention was:

Poison wait detected: Thread Pool

So I ran below queries:

---get thread pool waits---thread pool wait query
SELECT count(*) FROM sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks 
 where wait_type ='threadpool'

-- get threads available--Threads available query
 declare @max int
select @max = max_workers_count from sys.dm_os_sys_info

    @max as 'TotalThreads',
    sum(active_Workers_count) as 'CurrentThreads',
    @max - sum(active_Workers_count) as 'AvailableThreads',
    sum(runnable_tasks_count) as 'WorkersWaitingForCpu',
    sum(work_queue_count) as 'RequestWaitingForThreads' ,
    sum(current_workers_count) as 'AssociatedWorkers',
    Getdate() as 'DateLogged'
    sys.dm_os_Schedulers where status='VISIBLE ONLINE'

When I run the "thread pool wait" query, thread pool waits are appearing in above result (sometimes, more than 20 results) for fraction of second and then disappearing when I run it again. But I could see more than 400 threads available in second result set through the "threads available" query.

I am not able to understand why I am seeing THREADPOOL waits when I run the first query, but second query shows threads are still available. Can any one please explain?

  • Maxdop: 8
  • Max degree of parallelism: 50

Thread pool waits:
enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

I am not able to understand why I am seeing THREADPOOL waits when I run the first query, but second query shows threads are still available. Can any one please explain?

I've observed that you can see lots of really brief THREADPOOL waits (a handful of milliseconds each) while SQL Server is acquiring threads from the operating system.

This might happen if, for example, SQL Server was idle for a while, and then several parallel queries are executed at once. These queries will need to wait while the OS provides threads to the sqlservr.exe process, accumulating THREADPOOL waits during that time.

You can confirm this is happening by watching the "Process" -> "Thread Count" PerfMon counter. Generally, whenever this value climbs rapidly, you might see these THREADPOOL waits.

There's a complete demo of this behavior on my blog (Unusual THREADPOOL Waits), here's the summary:

Going back to that docs link:

Occurs when a task is waiting for a worker to run on.

In the typical case, this is because we’ve reached the logical limit SQL Server has set for how many workers threads you can have at a time.

In the unusual case, the task is waiting for a worker because SQL Server is allocating the thread (requesting it from the OS) that is needed to back that worker.

To be clear, I'd be surprised if these waits were the cause of your application timeouts.