Sql-server – HADR solutions for SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition

sql server

I'm looking for some HADR solutions for our organization. I know we should have Enterprise edition to have the full fledged features but what we have is Standard Edition of SQL Server. I'm new to this organisation and in my previous endeavours I have set up HADR solutions only in Enterprise edition.

While I researched I found we can have Basic AG with Standard edition but I cant have more than one DB in the AG which makes the HA plan disastrous for our applications. Transaction Replication is not allowed in standard edition.

Is there any simple HA Plan any of you have configured with standard edition? I'm looking for the best options I'm left with before proposing Enterprise edition. Please advise.

Best Answer

Log Shipping for DR. Not so much HA as no automatic failover, but still better than nothing. Use Windows cluster for HA, and Log ship them to somewhere else.

transactional replication IS allowed in standard: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/sql-server/editions-and-supported-features-for-sql-server-2016#a-namereplicationa-replication

But is not really an HADR solution