Sql-server – Getting ‘specified network password is not correct’ when trying to change password

sql server

After changing my network password, I went straight to the SQL Server Configuration Manager (SQL Server 2008) to update the passwords for the SQL Server and SQL Agent services. (Background info: the services run under my domain account.)

However, I kept getting the below error after clicking on apply:

The specified network password is not correct. [0x80070056]

I guarantee the password entered was definitely the correct one because I have restarted my workstation and used it to log on successfully. Most answers on the web tend to focus on the password but I know that's just the symptom not the root cause.

I know it is difficult to answer questions like this one unless you have experienced it first-hand. So I am asking if anyone else has seen this behavior before and what they did to resolve it.

Best Answer

I have resolved it. Below is what I did and what fixed it.

  1. Ran "net user /domain " and made sure the account was still active and not locked or expired. (The account was active and healthy)
  2. Restarted the workstation. (The only thing it proved was the password was correct and I managed to log on successfully)
  3. Waited for couple of hours. (Sometimes you just have to be patient.)

After doing all of the above, the issue still remained. In the end, it was the action below that resolved it:

I went to the Services mmc snap-in under Control Panel -> Administrative Tools instead of SQL Server Configuration Manager. Changed the password there and started the SQL Server service successfully. Repeated the steps for SQL Agent.

It worked but I am still puzzled why it worked in Services but not in SQL Server Configuration Manager. Active Directory vs WMI? Anyone?