SQL Server – Get Stored Procedure Result Column Types

datatypessql serverstored-procedures

I'm trying to get whatever a stored procedure returns, with the column names and their types. I can do this with tables but I couldn't figure it out for stored procedures. I tried the sp_columns but only managed to make it work for tables.

I have also tried something like this but I'm not sure what I am supposed to match with what.

INNER JOIN SYS.SCHEMAS (NOLOCK) AS BB ON (AA.schema_id = BB.schema_id)
INNER JOIN SYS.COLUMNS (NOLOCK) AS CC ON (AA.object_id = CC.object_id)

For example:


I only need the names of the column names a stored procedure returns and their data types. SQL Server version is 2014, if it matters.

Any ideas? Thanks.

Best Answer

Specifically for objects, there is a DMV called sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object which will describe the first result set if SQL Server can figure out what it should be (dynamic SQL, for example won't return a valid result).

Specifically for T-SQL or batch related items there is a different DMV and accompanied system stored procedure. The DMV is sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set and the stored procedure that parallels the dmv is sp_describe_first_result_set.