Sql-server – Get Data for user excluding another user blocked with its time interval

sql serversql-server-2012

Two tables


  ID | Message | FromUserId | ToUserId  | DateCreated
    1  | M1      |     A      |   B       | 2017-10-05 12:00:00
    2  | M2      |     A      |   B       | 2017-10-05 12:05:00
    3  | M3      |     B      |   A       | 2017-10-06 12:05:00
    4  | M4      |     B      |   A       | 2017-10-06 12:05:00
    5  | M5      |     A      |   B       | 2017-10-07 12:05:00
    6  | M6      |     A      |   B       | 2017-10-07 12:05:00
    7  | M7      |     B      |   A       | 2017-10-08 12:05:00
    8  | M8      |     B      |   A       | 2017-10-08 12:15:00
    9  | M9      |     B      |   A       | 2017-10-08 12:18:00
   10  | M9      |     B      |   A       | 2017-10-09 12:05:00


ID | FromUserId | BlockUserId | StartBlockDate       | EndBlockDate
1  |    A       |   B         | 2017-10-06 11:55:00  | 2017-10-07 11:55:00 
2  |    A       |   B         | 2017-10-08 10:05:00  | 2017-10-08 12:07:00 
3  |    A       |   B         | 2017-10-09 11:55:00  | NULL 

Now when B tries to retrieve messages it gets whole messages of Message table

but when A retrieves messages, its result should be


ID | Message | FromUserId | ToUserId  | DateCreated
1  | M1      |     A      |   B       | 2017-10-05 12:00:00
2  | M2      |     A      |   B       | 2017-10-05 12:05:00
5  | M5      |     A      |   B       | 2017-10-07 12:05:00
6  | M6      |     A      |   B       | 2017-10-07 12:05:00
8  | M8      |     B      |   A       | 2017-10-08 12:15:00
9  | M9      |     B      |   A       | 2017-10-08 12:18:00

I tried with below query

Declare @UserId int = A 
  dbo.Message AS m
      dbo.BlockUser AS bu
      m.DateCreated >= bu.BlockStartDate
      AND m.DateCreated < bu.BlockEndDate
    and bu.FromUserId = @UserId

I am stuck with the condition for user being blocked and another user.

I took reference of question:get data excluding time intervals

but could not figure

Best Answer

The best way to handle this would be to make the default value for the EndBlockDate be an arbitrary date far in the future instead of NULL. For example, if your BlockedUsers table was like this:


ID | FromUserId | BlockUserId | StartBlockDate       | EndBlockDate
1  |    A       |   B         | 2017-10-06 11:55:00  | 2017-10-07 11:55:00 
2  |    A       |   B         | 2017-10-08 10:05:00  | 2017-10-08 12:07:00 
3  |    A       |   B         | 2017-10-09 11:55:00  | 2150-12-31 23:59:59

Then your query above would correctly filter the information.