Sql-server – full text phrase-search with stop word

full-text-searchsql server

I would like SQL Server to search a phrase "centos 8" for example. The exact match.

But since number "8" is considered a stop word, it only searches for "centos".

Even if I use quotes

 select [KEY] FROM CONTAINSTABLE(myTable, myColumn, '"centos 8"')

How can I make it search for a phrase without disabling the stop words feature completely? (very useful in other cases)

Best Answer

You don't need to disable the STOPWORDS / STOPLIST feature completely, rather you can just remove that specific word "8" from it if you want the search to always be able to match it.

Microsoft's Docs ALTER FULLTEXT STOPLIST explain how to remove words from the default STOPLIST. And for general information on managing STOPLISTS you can read there docs Configure and Manage Stopwords and Stoplists for Full-Text Search as well.