Sql-server – Find which objects are using the table column in the given schema

sql server

Lets say I have a table 'MyTable' having a column 'MyColumn'. I want to find out which procedures, triggers, views, functions are using that column. Currently I have this script which gets most objects with the given name. Please let me know if this script returns all the objects using the given column. Is there in-built function for this? Thanks

CREATE procedure [dbo].[Find] (@q varchar(255))  

    o.name AS Object_Name,o.type_desc AS 'Type', m.definition AS 'Complete Name'  
    FROM sys.sql_modules        m   
        INNER JOIN sys.objects  o ON m.object_id=o.object_id  
    WHERE m.definition Like '%'+@q+'%')  


(SELECT t.name AS Object_Name,'Table' AS 'Type', c.name AS 'Complete Name'  
FROM sys.tables AS t  
INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON t.OBJECT_ID = c.OBJECT_ID  
WHERE c.name LIKE '%'+@q+'%')  


SELECT OBJECT_NAME(id) AS Object_Name, 'Trigger' AS 'Type',text AS 'Complete Name'  
FROM syscomments  
WHERE [text] LIKE '%'+@q+'%' AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'IsTrigger') = 1  

ORDER BY 2,1,3;  

Best Answer

Best is to use FREE tool from Red-Gate SQL Search - quickly find SQL in SSMS. You can even profile it while it is running to get the sql code and use that.

Also, refer to Aaron's post on : Keeping sysdepends up to date in SQL Server 2008.

Phil Factor has a great writeup on finding object dependency at Exploring your database schema with SQL