Sql-server – Find the Sharepoint application server based on Sharepoint Databases

sharepointsql serversql-server-2012

I'm doing some cleanup in my SQL Server farm and I found on one of our SQL servers (2012) several databases that I believe belong to a Sharepoint server.

No one knows in the company what is the SP that is linked to it.

I'm don't have much experience with Sharepoint.

Can you please help me with some direct queries in the Sharepoint database – Where can I find a URL for the SP ? Or Where is the Sharepoint Application server name (It is not on the same box as the database server).

I want to gather information before I'll recommend to delete those databases.

Thanks in advance,


Best Answer

Look at the sessions on that database:

SELECT host_name
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
WHERE database_id = db_id('yourSharepointDatabaseName');

If something is using the database, the client host name will show up here.