SQL Server 2008 R2 – Find Rows Containing All Keywords Across Multiple Columns

sql serversql-server-2008-r2

I'm trying to create a universal search functionality. The goal is to compare the values of multiple columns and see if all of the provided keywords appear in those columns. For various reasons, using a Full Text Index and CONTAINS is not an option, nor is utilizing a CLR function. Are there any other options to solve this problem?


|    Row    |    Col1    |    Col2    |    Col3    |
|     1     |    Foo     |    Bar     |    Stack   |
|     2     |    Foo     |    Blitz   |    Stack   |
|     3     |    Foo     |     Foo    |     Bar    |

Search text "Foo Bar" matches Rows 1 and 3.

Search text "Foo Stack" matches Rows 1, and 2.

Search Text "Foo" matches Rows 1, 2 and 3.

Search text "Foo Bar Stack Blitz" matches no rows.

Search text "Foo Blitz" matches Row 2.

Best Answer

You can use a string splitter and do this. I use Jeff Moden's splitter but you can use your favorite. This essentially splits the string on the space, and then does a FULL JOIN and only returns rows where there is a mach for each word. This is handy since it doesn't care the order of the words in the string. i.e. Foo Bar is the same as Bar Foo.


declare @table table ([Row] int identity (1,1), Col1 char(3), Col2 varchar(6), Col3 varchar(6))
insert into @table


declare @search varchar(64)

set @search = 'Foo Bar'

select distinct
from @table t
full join 
    dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(@search,' ') s on
    s.Item = t.Col1
    or s.Item = t.Col2
    or s.Item = t.Col3
    t.Row is not null
group by
    count(*) = (select max(ItemNumber) from dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(@search,' '))