Sql-server – Find order that has deliveries in multiple weeks

sql serversql-server-2017t-sql

I thought I had a simple run of the mill problem, but I can't manage to figure out how to slice it. Assume I have a table of Deliveries that has the OrderNumber, the DeliveryNumber and the DeliveryDate. The question I want to ask is "Which OrderNumbers have DeliverDates that all aren't in the same week"

Here is a test script.

DECLARE @DeliveryTable Table
    OrderNumber INT,
    DeliveryNumber INT,
    DeliveryDate Date

INSERT INTO @DeliveryTable 
(OrderNumber, DeliveryNumber, DeliveryDate)
(1,300, '2020-04-27'),
(1,301, '2020-04-28'),
(1,302, '2020-04-30'),
(4,730, '2020-04-26'),
(4,731, '2020-04-28'),
(4,732, '2020-05-05')

My query would return OrderNumber={4} because the '2020-05-05' is not in the same week as '2020-04-28' and '2020-04-26'. OrderNumber 1 would not be returned because all the deliveries are in the same week.

I've thought about using a LEAD/LAG function, but there can be an arbitrary number of Deliveries so I wouldn't know how far to LEAD/LAG. I was thinking about using some type of join, but I don't know what I would join on other than ( ..DATEPART(WK, first.DeliveryDate) <> DATEPART(WK, second.DeliveryDate)..) but that seems hamfisted to do over 1.4 million rows.

Best Answer

Try following query

SELECT OrderNumber
FROM @DeliveryTable
GROUP BY OrderNumber
HAVING DATEPART(WEEK, MIN(DeliveryDate)) < DATEPART(WEEK, max(DeliveryDate))

Calculating date-diff can lead to incorrect results because if we compare difference of Sunday and next Monday it will return 1, but these days are in different weeks.