Sql-server – Filtered indices: Why include the filtered-on field


This just drives me mad.

Consider a simple table with irrelevant columns removed:

create table boxes (
  row_id int not null identity(1,1) primary key,
  location varchar(15) null,
  dismantled bit not null default 0,
  rank int not null default 0
  /* irrelevant columns, text and numbers */

For a certain important query, I want a filtered index:

create nonclustered index anindex ON boxes (rank)
where (dismantled=0 and location is null)

This creates an index that contains about 150 records out of about 150k. Which is fine.

Now we query the table:

select top (1) row_id
from boxes
where dismantled = 0 and location is null
order by rank;

The execution plan is weird. Index scan on anindex accompanied by a bookmark lookup using the seeked row_id to confirm that location is null. Records that pass the lookup are selected.

Why on Earth? location is null by the very definition of the used index, is it not?

Now, if I do a stupid thing and include location in the filtered index…

create nonclustered index anindex ON boxes (location, rank)
where (dismantled=0 and location is null)

Then all of a sudden the execution plan is great, index seek on anindex with no lookups.

This is just one example, I stumble upon this issue every time I want to use a filtered index. Every time I end up forced to include the useless fields, upon which the index is filtered, to the list of indexed fields, and only then the server uses the index properly; otherwise, it either scans it or ignores it completely.

What gives? Is it a recommended practice to include the useless fields?

Best Answer

This has been previously raised on Connect and Closed as "Won't Fix".

We'll close this because it seems a narrow scenario and we don't see doing anything about it in the forseeable future.

That's quite disappointing IMO. Perhaps upvote and comment that item.

Edit: BOL has an example of using WHERE EndDate IS NOT NULL in a filtered index and that does not do a key lookup but replacing IS NOT NULL with IS NULL does lead to a lookup so it appears as though sometimes it is avoided...