Sql-server – Files copying to different machine not happening from batch file executed from SQL Jobs

sql server

I am trying to execute a batch file from SQL Server 2012 JObs with the following command

cmd.exe /c "D:\Batch Files\SQLDBBkupCopy.bat".

The objective of the batch file is to copy SQL DB backup to a different machine in the network. The Job successfully ran, but there was no files copied.

From the Jobs history I could able to see this error message:

Executed as user: SLC\sqlagentservice. Invalid drive specification 0
File(s) copied. Process Exit Code 0. The step succeeded.

Here is my Batch file script:

@echo off
echo.%Date% %Time%:- INITIATING FOLDERS......>>CopyLog.txt
set folder1="B:\SLCBackup\ForSymantec"
set folder2="\\testsvr\c$\SQLBKUP\SLCDBAREN"
echo.%Date% %Time%:- Initiation Complete.....>>CopyLog.txt
echo.%Date% %Time%:- Copying from %folder1% to %folder2% >>CopyLog.txt
xcopy /E /C /R /I /K /Y %folder1% %folder2%
echo.%Date% %Time%:- Complete...>>CopyLog.txt

However, if I try to copy in the same machine like:

set folder2="c:\test1" 

it then works.

Best Answer

For any interaction with the Operation System, insure that the user services of SQL Server has the privileges