SQL Server 2012 – How to Expose Database to Internet

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I have a POS application that is used by a business. The application has a SQL Server backend and there’s a local machine that acts as a server for the DB. The other computers within the office connect to this server. This happens over TCP/IP. I am wondering if it is possible and/or how difficult it would be to expose this database and allow read access to an offsite application. Essentially I want to be able to pull data from a local database into AWS on a regular automated schedule. If anyone has any ideas that could help point me in the right direction, that would be great. This is not an application I’m a developer of, so I don’t have access to the application code or anything like that. I guess what it boils down to would be the equivalent of an off-site backup. Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

what I’m really looking to do is create offsite backups automatically

SQL Server can natively backup to Azure Blob Storage. See Backup to URL.

But whatever offsite storage you use, the right solution is for SQL Server (or code running on the local network) to push the data out. Not have code running elsewhere pull it out.

That way you don't need to open anything to the internet, or use a VPN. You just need to open outbound ports, to connect to the internet.